Cucumis - Servicio gratuito de traducción en línea
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Todas las traducciones

Todas las traducciones - Francky5591

Idioma de origen
Idioma de destino

Resultados 1201 - 1220 de aproximadamente 1393
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Idioma de origen
Inglés Attila
You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.

Traducciones completadas
Francés Attila
Húngaro Attila
Idioma de origen
Serbio hocu da uplatim
hocu da uplatim

Traducciones completadas
Francés je veux payer
Inglés I´d like to pay
Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Japonés Anata ga zutto matsu
Anata ga zutto matsu
matsu signifie attendre

Traducciones completadas
Inglés You are waiting as always
Francés Vous attendez,comme toujours
10Idioma de origen10
Inglés Happy new year 2007!
A long time since my last post!
There is so much to tell! I will try to do it as quick as possible.

A [url=]nice article[/url] about cucumis was written by Mickael Arrington founder of the famous techcrunch blog reviewing the new web 2.0 products. Despite the article was quite incomplete about what we are doing here, it was very useful to reveal Cucumis to the entire world. Hundreds of blog articles were posted after this article, Cucumis was even featured on Finnish and French television. I've read many of those articles (those I can understand) and I was very pleased to see that most of the writers who tested the service was very satisfied by the quality of the translations we do here. Congratulations to all translators and, of course, to the [link=u_ml_0_exp_]great team of experts[/link].

Now the new features.

[b]This is new[/b] :
- Until now, cucumis was not designed for people who can't speak a foreign language. Now it is! If you can't translate anything, we give you [cid=TC_BONUSPOINTS] points every [cid=TC_BONUSDAYS] day!
- [link=u__]Who is online[/link], [link=u_st_]charts about new members every day, and country ratio[/link].
- [link=t_st_]Translation statistics[/link]. Looking at the pie chart of the translations to be evaluated, you can view the languages in which we need experts (Norwegian, Hungarian, Hindi, Swedish, Kurdish, Arabic, Korean, Albanian ...).

[b]This is very new[/b] :
All members can now add translations in their favorites. You can view the list of your favorite translations from your profile page, and there is also a [link=t_w_0_favever_]top favorite translations list[/link].

[b]This is very very new[/b] :
When the [link=u_ml_0_exp_]experts[/link] can't understand the source text of a translation, they still can evaluate the linguistic form of the translation but they can't for the meaning. Now, for the evalutations they can't do alone, they can [b]ask for the opinion of all members[/b]. According to the informations of your profile, you will be asked now and then to give your opinion on some translations. After collecting enough votes to make up ones mind, the translation is accepted or rejected.

Bye and happy new year to all of you!

Traducciones completadas
Francés Bonne année 2007!
Rumano La Mulţi Ani pentru 2007!
Griego Ευτυχισμένο το 2007!
Portugués brasileño Feliz ano novo de 2007!
Alemán Frohes Neues Jahr 2007!
Chino simplificado 猪年哼哼!
Español ¡Feliz año 2007!
Árabe عام جديد سعيد 2007!
Italiano Buon 2007!
Idioma de origen
Francés Etant donné l'état actuel de l'agriculture dans...
Etant donné l'état actuel de l'agriculture dans le monde, on sait qu'elle pourrait nourrir 12 milliards d'individus sans difficulté. Pour le dire autrement :
Tout enfant qui meurt actuellement de faim est, en réalité, assassiné.
Ces propos sont de Jean Ziegler, rapporteur de la commission des droits de l'homme de l'ONU pour le droit à l'alimentation.

Pas de mots ambigus, le texte est très clair...

Le 25/04, sortie du film "We feed the world"
avant propos à ce lien :

Traducciones completadas
Italiano Considerato lo stato attuale dell'agricoltura
Español Dado el estado actual de la agricultura en...
Griego Δεδομένης της σημερινής κατάστασης της γεωργίας
Inglés Given the current state of agriculture in the world ...
Portugués brasileño Considerando o estado presente da agricultura no...
Rumano Fiind dată starea curentă a agriculturii în lume
Turco Açlık
10Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"10
Turco canim kizim iyiki dogdum iyiki varsin alem baba...
canim kizim iyiki dogdum iyiki varsin alem baba gorsum 3 yetrez 30 bene yatarim senin için sana canim feda kralin kizi circom...

ben toprak tan bir canim senin gibi.

dostu da severim düsmani da çünki dost gücümü düs
ces trois phrases ne sont pas liées entre elles

Traducciones completadas
Francés Ma chère fille tu as bien fait de naitre...
Inglés My dear girl you did well to be born
Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Serbio REDAKCIJAMA KULTURE Poštovani, Beogradski...


Beogradski bend «Lira Vega» sviraće u subotu 21. aprila u 22 sata u dvorištu kafe-galerije «Izba». Ulaznica za koncert staje 200 dinara, a karte će moći da se kupe na ulazu u Izbu pred koncert. Nastup benda omogućila je Uprava za kulturu grada Novog Sada.

Traducciones completadas
Francés Pour les rédactions de la culture
Inglés For the arts sections
Idioma de origen
Turco Bize böyle bir mail göndermişsiniz. Eşimden kalan...
Bize böyle bir mail göndermişsiniz. Eşimden kalan bu aylığı alabilmem için benim nereye ve ne şekilde başvurmam gerekmektedir. Bana ayrıntılı olarak bildirmenizi rica ederim.

Traducciones completadas
Francés Vous nous avez envoyé un mail...
Inglés You sent us an e-mail like this:
Idioma de origen
Francés Quant à moi je préfère être un Alcoolique Anonyme...
Quant à moi je préfère être un Alcoolique Anonyme plutôt qu'un Abruti Aviné...
No comments

Traducciones completadas
Italiano Per quanto mi riguarda preferisco essere...
Inglés A deserved answer
Portugués brasileño Quanto a mim prefiro ser um Alcoolo Anonimo...
Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Turco merhabalar yeni ürününüz clio r3 ile...
yeni ürününüz clio r3 ile ilgilenmekteyim.beni teknik data ve fiyat konusunda bilgilendiriseniz sevinirim.iyi çalışmalar.

Traducciones completadas
Inglés Hello I am interested in your new product Clio r3.
Francés Bonjour, je suis intéressé par ...
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